Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's that time of year...graduation!

A friend of mine commissioned me to design a very special present for a very special Navy midshipman whom she has sponsored over the past four years (providing a home away from home). I'm almost finished, but I'll let you take a sneak peek. What I did: Painted a wood jewelry box I found at an antique sale; then I used a special embossing pen to write the equations and calculations (she was a math major). I now know more about equations and formulas than I ever wanted to know!
The inside is really cool, too. I used vintage math books, graph paper, cards, music and arranged them to form a collage. Then I decoupaged them into the interior. I love how it turned out. Now, I just have to finish by adding the drawer knobs and add another coat of protective finish!

I also (finally) completed a child's beach-themed table and chairs that I've been working on forever, in between other projects. It's so vivid and cheerful and I can see it brightening some little kid's play area! 

Soon, I'll be posting a very shabby, but chic vanity for you all to's looking good, but I've got to find the perfect drawer pulls...yard sale anyone?

1 comment:

  1. hi renee! that table and chair set is so cute- i love the color combo you used. i actually saw a room today from jannet at simple matters that she did for her daughter- turquoise and orange and i LOVED it! it was so fun, and so is your set! the gift is also very special as well. i wish i had an extra room so i could sponsor a midshopman. it would be so fun and so special!
