Not only did I win Jen's Pick on The CSI Project, I met a new friend when I stumbled across a fantastic craft/yard sale! I was very excited, so I called my sis to tell her the news of all my finds, and she made me go back and get more for her!!
Now, this wasn't vintage stuff, mind you. It was a plethora of craft and art supplies from cool twine and ribbons to Tim Holtz distressed inks and artsy stamps. I overspent my limit, but considering what I got, I may never have to step foot in a Michael's Craft store again (so, don't buy their stock cause it's goin' down - ha!).
So thank you, Jan, for the fun morning (and afternoon) of digging through all your wonderful treasures! By the way, Jan was the new friend I met...a very inspiring woman who went from a size 12 to a size 2 in two years .. unbelievable. She looks fantastic! She is also extremely talented and very nice. And, best of all, (just kidding) she's from Pittsburgh, too!
Anyway, won't be able to go "yard saling" tomorrow because I have a photo shoot (for a magazine article that I'm writing), but I think I've got my fix for the weekend at least.
I love when I hit garage sales that have everything you love! Congrats to you for finding one yesterday! But hey, this is MD, garage sales are only on Saturday here - I didn't think anyone had them on Fridays! (Unlike Ohio where they have them every day!)