Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fun Finds at the Flea Market

Had some great finds this weekend including this old meat grinder, a nice box of these vintage door knob backers with chippy paint and pretty patinas: 

and this fab old bottle crate…I’m going to put the meat grinder up for sale in my etsy shop, use the door knob backs in my collage work and not sure what I’m going to do with this bottle crate just yet… any ideas?

Maybe storage for something; I don’t know, I just loved the color and the fact that it was old.


  1. Such cool find! Love the rusty meat grinder.

  2. Hi Renee,
    All of these finds are fabulous. I love the old door plates. I have a small collection of those waiting for a project.
    I love the bottle crate and that metal strapping on it. I currently use one I have for craft supply storage but I just bought another one that I'm trying to decide what to do with. I'll keep you posted.

  3. I love it all!!! I'm particularly in love with the knob backs!!! Ummm...those are frickin FAB!!! Love Love!
