Saturday, April 28, 2012

Some Sweet Finds

Remember when I told you that I was looking for lavender colored bottles? Well, I did tell you, but anyway, they are hard to find and kind of expensive on ebay when you include shipping. So, today on my way home from a flea market and sale where I scored nothing much (except for a few large wood letters -see pics), I saw one just sitting at a yard has the sofest shade of lavender when you put it next to other old bottles. The best part (other than it was only $2) is the bottle has Portland, ME on it, which just happens to be one of my favorite places.

The letters, well, they were $1 each so I bought all of them -- four Z's, one X and one O ... I'll save the X and O for Valentine's Day (get it?) and the Zs will be all over my house and probably be gifts to various inlaws ... if you haven't guessed by now, my last name begins with Z.
All in all, a couple of sweet finds that made me happy. What made you happy today?

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