Friday, May 4, 2012

Need a Break

Okay gang...taking a little blog break ... right now,  I have a total of six custom orders (yippee), and I'm creating six signs for the prom breakfast, running a teacher's luncheon next week, making two posters for teacher's appreciation week, planning upcoming high school graduation party, ordering graduation announcements, not to mention work, kids and sports, two field trips, and two recitals...all in the next two weeks ... umm, yeah. Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck and remember to HAVE FUN! heehee! Hugs! (cute pic!)

  2. Holy cow, sounds like me ten years ago! Good luck!

  3. You forgot "pick up dry cleaners"!! :)
    I know it's busy but you're creating memories. Enjoy it.

  4. If anyone can handle all of that...YOU CAN!!! I'm still going to pray for you, though! :)

  5. Me too! Let's run away to an island somewhere!

  6. Yowza! U are busy busy!!! I see why a break is in order :)
