Friday, August 10, 2012

21 Years of Firsts, Fear and Fun

Happy Birthday to my adult son! My first born. Wow. Here he is having his first beer ever (right). Seriously, he has been my "guinea pig" as a many firsts in child-rearing; without him I wouldn't have discovered so many things along the way.
Firsts: parenthood, tee ball, play groups, Cooperstown, lacrosse, hilarious, offbeat movies, alternative music, photography, and Boston to name a few.
Fear: What can I say? He was my first born! I was afraid to let him do anything, but he had no fear!! Trust me.
Fun: He is a really fun guy to be around as his sense of humor is unparalleled...I think he makes me laugh more than anyone.
He has grown up to be quite a guy. Very smart, extremely interesting and a great conversationalist. When he leaves for school, the house is just not the same. So, Happy Birthday, bud. Thanks for being you and I love you more than you could ever know.


  1. Happy adulthood to your son! My oldest is 22 and it is so fun to have an adult child now.

  2. Happy Birthday to your son! My son turned 21 on August 1st! Hard to believe....still wonder where the time went!!!

  3. I am the firstborn to my parents ... so this is pretty interesting for me to read. Getting some good perspective. I wish they had bought me a beer when I turned 21!
