Monday, August 27, 2012

Last Hurrah and First Day Back

My oldest and youngest were headed back to school on Monday (today). Aside from taking my kids back-to-school shopping and eating dinner with them, I have ignored them the last three weeks..half because I was out of town and the rest of the time because I have been a slave to my new job (hence the lack of blogging).
Late Wednesday night:
Enough was enough! I decided that we needed a spontaneous beach day!
So, early Thursday morn, we headed to the closest beach (about 1-1/2 hours away) and enjoyed a full day and evening at the beach. Just what we needed to reconnect and chill.

We even went to Funland, a small amusement park/arcade on the boardwalk, crammed into a photo booth for pictures, and rode the kiddie rides (my 18 year old is waving from the helicopter above).

Well, it was my son's first day at his new school (notice how happy he looks-ha!). They only had a half's a good thing cause I missed him. He was a little lonely being the new kid and all, but I'm sure he'll be just fine. My other son left for college this morning. Of course, he slept in and missed his 6:20 AM flight (what was I thinking?) and had to catch a later flight to New Hampshire instead of Boston. But, he made it (I guess) and now the house is quiet again...except my middle son and me -- he is looking for a job.


  1. I know how quiet it can be. I also only have one left but shes a junior this year.

  2. You are so lucky to live near the beach, Renee! Bet your house is quiet now! I always dreaded this time of year when I was younger, I hated going back to school!

  3. Looks like you all had fun at the beach and arcade. The dog days of summer are over, huh!? back to the grind!
