Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer in Full Swing

Well, I've neglected this blog for awhile, but I'm happy to say it's because I'm so busy with work, etsy orders, lacrosse and enjoying the outdoors with my kids. About 1-1/2 weeks ago, my oldest called and wanted me to pick him up in Massachusetts...running out of money and hurting his knee so he couldn't work, plus no place to live kind of sealed the deal that he needed to spend a little time with us after graduating.
The drive up was well, long. But the minute I got there I had a great time. We went for a long walk to get ice cream and then I got to spend the evening with eight new college graduates. We made dinner together and they set a beautiful table outside in the woods and under the stars -- lovely.
Once we got back home, we had lots to do with a lacrosse tournament over the weekend and then today,  a nice drive up to a state park where we hiked among waterfalls and did a little canoeing, too. Here's some shots from our day:

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