Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's May Day! May Baskets Galore...

One custom I love, love, love about Annapolis is the May Day basket displays throughout the town. Businesses and homes participate and some are so creative (especially the businesses)! Here are a few I thought I would share. These photos were taken by a friend of mine, Bridget Borel Avila. Let's take a stroll, shall we...

 Restaurant with a bicycle (cute!)
 I love the colors on this one:
 Running store:

 Local restaurant:
 More bikes!

 Another local restaurant:
 Alpaca store:
 A little boutique called The Pink Crab:
 Local bar where small concerts are held (I like this idea, but for some reason it reminds me of a funeral--maybe the colors or the arrangement...I don't know...)
Another bicycle:
Hope you enjoyed the May day tour of Annapolis. I'm headed down there myself tomorrow for a nice walk through the city...maybe I'll snap some more photos while I'm out!

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