Yes, January through March is my time to organize (much like everyone else). I'm really trying to scale back, but with three kids, it's tough. So, I'm trying to find unique and fun ways to store things. Here are some ideas that I've gathered. Left: curtain rods to hold pot lids...constant source of irritation...pot lids.
Another source of irritation that I plan to somehow tackle is my front entry...strewn with backpacks, shoes and sport equipment, I can't seem to get it organized--ever! Some ideas:
If I had a big enough wall and wide enough hallway, this might work:
We do have a hall closet, but I doubt it would ever look like this:
Love these little rollaway bins...could actually work!
This is really cool...I just wonder if my kids would use it.
This is probably more realistic, but then again, that darn wall space and tight entry hall:
Well, we shall see what solutions I can come up with...any ideas?