Anyway, right now his room is very dark. Black bookshelves, black bed (which I love) and maroon and beige walls (high school colors) so I want to lighten it up by painting the walls. It will now be a guest room for my son and whomever (unless my youngest wants it).
Maybe a light greenish blue, light grayish blue, light aqua blue...not sure...any help?

It has to look good with black because I am NOT painting an entire wall of bookshelves. Anyway, it will be a while...
All images are from my Pinterest board: Home Inspirations where you can find sources.
love the inspiration and that color!
I'm kind of feeling that Arctic Blue and who wouldn't like a paint color called The Good Life? Maybe a bit more sophisticated than the Quench Blue but then again it depends on what kind of a look you are going for. Can't wait to see what you do with this. :D
Pam @ BeColorful
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