Sunday, December 27, 2009
Now what?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Terrific Tabletops
Monday, December 21, 2009
Creating Holiday Vignettes
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Greetings from down under...
We are busy making cookies, playing in the snow, and we even made a gingerbread house (from a kit) yesterday. It was a kit that I bought last year after Christmas...I think it cost me about $3.00. Since they aren't edible, the house kits keep very well in their packaging, so this year, think about grabbing one for next year! It certainly gave us something to do when the blizzard (and it was a blizzard) was blowing in at full force. My youngest and his two buddies did the majority of the decorating (I was delegated to construction). We used the candy in the kit and some stuff we had around the house. As you can see, it turned out to be really "sweet." I'll post my "Creating Christmas Vignettes" blog tomorrow (I was going to post today, but I just had to share my snowy news).
Friday, December 18, 2009
Whimsical Wraps
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Holidaze and Dazzle
So, now you'll be able to see new possibilities when you open that box (or in my case, several boxes) of Christmas decorations.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I Love Christmas!
In this blog post, I'm sharing some of my pictures (and easy ideas) for frolicking, festive fun...
Friday, December 11, 2009
Let it Snow(flake)!
It looks like the Christmas spirit hasn't hit everyone this year. After many parking lot battles, dealing with line jumping jockeys and seeing that dreadful SOLD OUT sign at toy stores, I can say that I am glad to be safe and sound back in my cozy house. I just finished decorating the kitchen (yes, I decorate every room…except the upstairs’ bathrooms) and I must say that I love my snowflake windows. My third grader and I spent some quality time cutting out these little gems and I also cut some on the way home from NYC. I even brought extra scissors in case my friends wanted to join me in snipping snowflakes – no one wanted to – scrooges!
The best instructions that I’ve found to make paper snowflakes comes from – I hate to say it – but Martha Stewart. Check them out at and you’ll love how they turn out!
Well, back to decorating…
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Back from the Big Apple

There's nothing like going to New York City for some Christmas inspiration. The windows were beautiful (and so was the weather) and the city was buzzing with seasonal anticipation. Although, I can't recreate the windows, I can share with you a couple easy tips to add some delightful details to your home. If you have the time (even if you don't), you can easily find little spots to add some Christmas charm. For example, suspend a sparkling ornament from your chandelier or drape some glittery garland around it. Dangle an ornament from all of your doorknobs – you can even use those dollar store icicles and string them across your valances or use them as your curtain tiebacks. My fan pull even has a little ornament swinging from it! These are easy ways to add Christmas charm to your home without expense or a lot of work. Just grab a handful of those ornaments that don’t quite fit on the tree and walk around your house adorning everything that you can and pretty soon your house will be sparkling with magical merriment.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tis the Season to Use Spray Paint!
You can spray paint just about anything and make it look great and very “Christmassy.” See what a can of gold or silver can do! Go wild and try some red and green glossy paint; and repeat after me: "spray paint is my friend; spray paint is my friend..."
Note: for safety’s sake, be sure to use your spray paint in a well-ventilated area (preferably outside). I usually wear safety glasses to protect my eyes from the spray, too. If it’s windy, stay far away from your cars, objects or home (unless of course, you want them to have a nice coat of “frost” on them).